Picture shows - 22 year old Mojaki Matlala, one of the many artists working on producing the England Makarapa's for the World Cup.
Alfred 'Lux' Baloyi the originator behind the design of the Makarapa poses for photographs at his Makarapa factory in Northern Johannesburg. The Makarapa is a hand painted and sculptured builders hard hat modified by South African football fans to include the team colours, slogans and heroes..Bayoli started making Makarapa's in the 1970's as head protection after a fan was hit on the head with a missile at a football match. The design soon developed into an essential fan article and work of art with unique paintings and craftwork. The term Makarapa goes back to the 1970's and early 80's and means migrant worker, the association being the helmets worn by immigrant workers in the mines around Johannesburg. Today the term is synonymous with the decorated and elaborate hard hat. Alfred's factory is working flat out in the run up to the world cup and employs approximately 25 staff. Orders have been placed by large multinationals for advertising campaigns and by individuals looking for a personalised world cup souvenir. www.makarapa.co.za ...Pictures © Zute & Demelza Lightfoot. www.lightfootphoto.com, zutelightfoot@yahoo.co.uk